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PRESS RELEASE - FHA  Applauds Governor DeSantis for Signing Focus on Florida’s Future Budget, Investing Hundreds of Millions in Health Care 


~ Investments aim to strengthen hospitals infrastructure, increase access to behavioral health care and develop a robust health care workforce in Florida ~ 

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Florida Hospital Association (FHA) applauds Governor Ron DeSantis today for signing the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget for State Fiscal Year 2024-25, which includes hundreds of millions in health care investments to strengthen hospital infrastructure and services, increase access to behavioral health care and develop a robust health care workforce across the Sunshine State. In response, Mary C. Mayhew, President and CEO of the Florida Hospital Association, issued the following statement:  

“We sincerely thank Governor DeSantis and his administration for prioritizing health care in the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget. These appropriations, many driven by the ground-breaking Live Healthy package, will go a long way toward increasing access to timely, high-quality health care for all Floridians close to home,” said Mary Mayhew, CEO of FHA. “Hospitals across the Sunshine State are on the front lines each day, striving to meet residents’ growing demand for health care. By funding the education and training of health care professionals, integrating behavioral health care services into traditional health care settings and local communities, and bolstering infrastructure such as the Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant Program and critical services like maternal health care, this budget is vital for strengthening Florida’s health care delivery system and ensuring the health and well-being of every Floridian.” 

Health care investments included in the budget supported by FHA are as follows: 

Hospital Investments 

  • $134 million to increase hospital Medicaid reimbursement for labor and delivery services. 
  • $150 million to increase funding for the Graduate Medical Education Statewide Medical Residency Program and expand the Slots for Doctors Program.
  • 10 million in recurring funds for the Rural Hospital Capital Improvement Grant Program for rural hospitals to acquire, repair and harden systems, facilities and equipment.
  • $321 million to create a new integrated care and education model to bolster the behavioral health workforce and system. 
  • $50 million ($500 million over 10 years) for the innovation fund, incentivizing groundbreaking technologies, workforce mobility and health care delivery models to maintain a modern, sophisticated health care delivery system. 
  • $40 million increase for the Florida Cancer Innovation Fund to support cancer research and innovation.  
  • Continues critical Medicaid supplemental payment programs for hospitals.   

Behavioral Health Care Investments 

  • $8.3 million increase for Medicaid reimbursement of integrated services provided under the collaborative care model.     
  • $11.5 million to expand behavioral health Mobile Response Teams usage and reimbursement.    
  • $21.5 million increase for statewide behavioral health community-based services, including mobile crisis response.  
  • $7.5 million to increase payment rates for the Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program (SIPP). 
  • $31.8 million increase for Coordinated Opioid Recovery (CORE) Network to support the immediate treatment, stabilization, and assessment of patients.   

Education/Workforce Development Investments 

  • $5 million increase to the Linking Industry & Nursing Education (LINE) Program to fortify health care workforce development partnerships and create a robust pipeline of skilled nurses.
  • $30 million to increase student loan reimbursement through Florida’s Reimbursement Assistance for Medical Education (FRAME) Program for health care and behavioral health care professionals. 
  • $20 million for Nursing Education through school districts.  
  • $24.6 million increase for workforce development ($451 million total). 
  • $46 million for Nursing Education through the State University System.
  • $59 million for Nursing Education at state colleges.  

These investments are inclusive of the $716 million in the Live Healthy package of legislation as well as priorities of the Governor & Legislature during the budget process. 

For more information about FHA’s state advocacy efforts, visit  

About FHA  

Founded in 1927, the Florida Hospital Association (FHA) is the leading voice for health care in the State of Florida. Through representation and advocacy, education and informational services, the Florida Hospital Association supports the mission of over 200 hospitals and health care systems to provide the highest quality of care to the patients we serve. Led by President and CEO Mary Mayhew, the Florida Hospital Association is located in Tallahassee and is governed by a Board of Trustees and officers elected by the member institutions.   


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